Become a Volunteer

Our farm may be small, but it has a big mission. We need passionate volunteers to nurture the program.

Volunteer Opportunities


“Up on the Farm” Assistant

Our “Up on the Farm” week day program for adults with special needs living in California’s Ventura County is an agriculture hands-on, hearts-in education endeavor for differently-abled folks 18 and up! “Up on the Farm” manager/volunteer Karen Meier along with her husband, Ron and their two youngest children - both adults with Down syndrome - live on and work the farm. Volunteer assistants to the “Up on the Farm” program are truly embraced - literally and figuratively - and warmly welcomed by everyone! Experience working with special needs adults is helpful of course, but an attitude of “let’s do this! We’ve got this! YOU’ve got this!” is required! Oh, also required for this - the knowledge that everyone has gifts to share - and you, as an “Up on the Farm” assistant, will encourage and facilitate that sharing of the differently-abled farmers’ gifts!

Job Description: As an “Up on the Farm” program assistant your duties include helping plan and organize activities, preparing supplies, leading activities, providing hand-over-hand assistance in fine motor activities, arm over arm assistance in navigating the farm’s orchards and gardens, and, of course, sharing/teaching others your own “hidden” talents - singing, dancing, tai-chi, drum circle, making cakes or juices or jams from exotic fruits and vegetables grown on the farm, caring for monarch butterflies, composting, handling baby chickens, bee keeping, the sky’s the limit!!

A commitment to one day/week is preferred - Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays - 9:30 to 3:00. Press the “Volunteer Now” button above to apply.